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FunVisors are parent volunteers and upper grade student helpers who are out on the playground at lunch time on Fridays to play with the lower grade students, in activities like playing games, building with Legos, doing simple arts and crafts activities, or playing an organized sport such as flag tag on the field. This provides the younger students with additional caring adults and older students who are vested in their well-being. It provides the upper grade students with opportunities for service to others. With this program, parents and other adults who aren’t able to commit to the ABC Reading program can still be part of the Project Cornerstone effort on campus, volunteering whenever they are available. It is also a way of making students aware that Project Cornerstone and the ABC Lessons are part of the big picture of the school and that it's not just something we are telling them to do; it is a way we expect everyone to think and act. 

For more information about this program or to find out how either children or adults can volunteer, please contact Lily Wang

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