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Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon SeptemberStand Tall Molly Lou Melon
Focus on the fact that you have the power to choose how you react!
Use body language to stand tall, walk proud, smile big and sing loud.
Remove mud thoughts by using clear thoughts and positive self-talk.
Stop, think and understand to prevent bucket dipping.
Identify and name the caring people who are your cheerleaders.
One OctoberOne
It just takes ONE to make a difference!
EVERYONE counts!
Be a forgiving person and give a person a second chance.
Offer opportunities to belong and be included.
Don't Laugh At Me NovemberDon't Laugh At Me
Accept and understand differences.
UPstanders practice intentional acts of caring and peaceful conflict resolution.
Notice, name and celebrate people who are UPstanders.
The Blue Day Book JanuaryThe Blue Day Book (For Kids)
Name and accept your feelings.
Be empowered to change your blue days into good days.
Fill a classmate’s bucket who needs support on a blue day.
The Long Shot FebruaryThe Long Shot
Follow your sparks-dreams, interests and passions. 
Set a GPS for both short term and long-term goals.
Practice and work hard to achieve your goals.
Identify your goal champions.
The Empty Pot MarchMy Secret Bully
Act with positive values of CHRIP: courage, honesty, responsibility, integrity, and perseverance. 
Stand by your beliefs with others.
Stand up for your beliefs with courage and determination.
Being honest means telling the truth, even when it is not easy.
Enemy Pie AprilEnemy Pie
Try to get to know people before making judgments.
Look for common interests in new people you meet.
Be aware that friendships can bloom and wilt.
The OK Book MayThe OK Book
Students will dare to try new things and be ok with enjoying new experiences.
Students will find joy in discovering their talents by trying new things.
Turn I can’t (reactive) attitudes into I can (proactive) attitudes.


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